Sponsor a child

Foundation for Global Education and Development, is an Indian NGO, established in 2001, the Indian Headquarters are in Shillong, capital of 270,000 inhabitants, of the state of Meghalaya.

Thanks to donations, the association has launched several projects. One of them is “Peace Classes”. We suggest you to discover them today.

Join quickly the rank of these 50 students. You are in India, it is 6 o’clock in the morning, the bell rings. Imagine now, for a moment, these little boys and girls, who slaves away in the fields or are rented as servants after school!


To sponsor a child in India, make a standing order.


– Per month, 5 euros for 1 child

– Per month, 10 euros for 2 children

– Per month, 50 euros for 10 children


We invite you to establish a standing order with your financial institution for the account: 000-0039999-35 Enfance Tiers Monde (ETM), 2 Place Albertine, 1000 Brussels, with the imperative communication SHILLONG.

Well yes, around 10am, all these little toddlers go back to work to earn some money and help their families. In spite of everything, look at them smiling; they are happy to learn in a free school that applies a modern pedagogy! It educates children to Peace and Nonviolence. They learn to respect each other, to listen to each other, to help each other, to become friends and to build the future.

Global Education and Development asbl financially supports peace classes and has trained teachers in these new methods. Their dream is to expand this universal experience in India but also in Belgium!

Support the association

You can become a member of the Global Education and Development NGO and invite your friends to become a member by paying an annual fee. If you pay


10 euros a year, you become a member

50 euros a year, you become a support member

500 euros a year, you become a member of honor


Your generous donations are also warmly accepted.

Members and donors will receive our newsletter.

If you wish to support our association, please contact us.

To leave a legacy

If you want to leave a trace and make sense of your legacy, it is possible to bequeath a sum, whatever it is, to our association EGD asbl.


We can then finance ongoing projects and new projects. This will build a better society with responsible, active, critical and supportive citizens.